Rabu, 11 Oktober 2017


In the darkness, dark and no light that what she felt when the one she loved told her how hurt it’s was when she told him about what she have said in her heart about him.

Sunday night, she came to meet him and would like to encourage him and while they are talking all day until night, she release it that she did a mistake she said sorry by then. By Tuesday she got a text from him, which he heartbroken by her words. She tried to explain and she would like to apologize and she want to change. And now she felt the same, “heartbroken.” She tried to say sorry and tried to talk with him and tried to explain about it however that all same like nothing.  She call but he not answer, she text but no reply but by the time he finally text her back even with short reply. She is very happy because he reply, “finally after few days” she said to herself.

Now let we see what we can learn from that story.
Sometime someone upset us and we are get upset too and sometime angry about that, Suddenly don’t want to talk with them anymore because they hurts our feeling a lot.
But this is what we can learn from that story: It is to forgive! If you forgive them you will set yourself free and set that person free. We don’t know maybe they did not mean to say that and they don’t know that might be hurt. Communication is the best way to talk about that with that person.
If you forgive same like you set yourself free and other free. And also we learn to think firs before we talk and make sure that will not hurt anyone. Lets our words encourage others.
If you forgive you will get less ilness and no stress.
Much love and blessing.
Natalya Wilsan.


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